all of the world is so chaotic. splashes of excitement, shouts, endless chattering paints our lives. im caught up in the whirl of faces....

best of me
a million thoughts rise, thousands of wrestling ideas. im tangled up, im upset, im terrified by my mediocrity; how can anyone love me?...

questions i never get asked pt 2
^this is a really old picture haha i know this is real soon, but i stumbled upon some other questions people dont usually ask...so here...

life updates and randomness
hi !! so im gonna just sit here and ramble about life and whats going on and stuff, and maybe this will be good, maybe it wont. school//...

i see it
i see us getting married, decorating our first home together, cuddling during scary storms, watching movies on friday nights. i see us...

so so so messy. that is me, in a word i suppose. from my room full of art supplies to my mind that never stops thinking, so messy. i am a...

i do write
i do write a lot i write things that some people like, some people do not. some say they are too sad, some say i try too hard. some think...

random rambles// personal stuff idk
hi guys (im not assuming your gender... i call everyone guys, dont @ me) i was sitting here wondering what i should post on my blog and...

a thousand small, meaningless words form when i see you i stutter, i mumble, i try...i try so hard to let you know how i feel. im jumbled...

oh so tired
i am a blank canvas, i am an empty glass without your love shining through me, reminding me im something, someone. im empty, im alone, im...