Some Nights...
at night, i am cynical never believing that the sun will come up again upon my sinful frame. at night, i am hopeless never realizing that...

The Difference
the world. so tempting; so desirous The Lord. Looked at with bored eyes the difference. Appalling. why though? until you taste of God's...

The world and christians. So different yet in the same situation. God, sin, Heaven and hell. What to do? We are torn from this world by...

Faith Or Good Works?
Romans states, "For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law." But James says,"For as the body apart from the...

Dear World
dear world, you can keep your riches and splendor. you can have your empty promises and ill-gained wealth. you may relish in your...

Sympathize With The Rain
Sometimes, over the monotonous hills of logic and the senseless ramblings of the self, I find myself thirsting for a ruler. The sweet...

At the end of the day, we are all dust. We try to find identity all the time, it is human-nature. We crave to be put into some kind of...