questions i never get asked pt 2

^this is a really old picture haha
i know this is real soon, but i stumbled upon some other questions people dont usually here goes.
are you named after anyone// nah, my mom just liked the name penelope sage...people do associate my name with penelope cruz but thats not what my mom had in mind lolz.
do you have any pets// when i was younger i used to get beta fish a lot, i had three: bo handsome (from word girl; i was a dork), rainbow, and junior (junior was my favorite name when i was little...i didnt know it was a title pfff) i also had some tadpoles that remained nameless until they died for some reason. when i was about 6 year old i got a chocolate lab named coco (killing it with the names tbh) and we only recently gave her away lat year:'')
what is your eye color// uh, its like a mixture of grey and blue with a little bit of green. usually my eyes are blueish grey. its kinda weird that i have such light eyes and skin and my hair is almost black:P
whats the first thing you notice about other people// thats a tough one. i would say that right off the bat i notice people's hair, i dont know why. but personality wise, i love people who smile and laugh tons. i love friendly people who will start conversations with me.
whats the furthest you have ever been from home// when i was 10 the army moved my family to fort sill oklahoma, and we lived there on base for about 9 months. yeah i havent really travelled or anything:/
who was your childhood best friend// well, i would say my bestest best friend when i was younger was a girl named amy, and she and i were amazing friends for almost 5 years, then she moved away, and we lost contact...kind of sad yeah. also i had a friend named jessica and she lived really close so she and i used to hang out every day and we would spend the night for days. even school nights because the school we went to was right across the street from me. i was a weirdo and kind of a dork when i was little but i found a couple really nice girls who werent weirded out by me...
how tall are you// i am about 5'6 or 5'7....i think.
any bad habits// so so so so many! i bite my nails a lot (bet you have never heard that one before) and i love sleeping in late. especially bc i am a night owl, i will fall asleep at 5 and then want to sleep in until 2...yeah not good! and i will scroll through memes forever. yeah its stupid and more but eh, who cares? i would be here forever.
ever had a boyfriend// nah, well one time a kid asked me out and i rejected him... in 5th grade bc im lame yo. it was at school, and this boy passed me in the hall and said "hey penelope" and i was like "hey" and then he walked away and then turned around and said "will you got out with me?" and at first i was like "out? like outside?" so i asked him what he meant and he said "will you go out with me??" and then i was like "ew no!" and yeah. breaking hearts since i was ten. just kidding:P i am convinced to this day that he did it on a dare.
do you have any special talents// none that are really special lol
when was the last time you cried// actually, maybe....a week ago?? i think? i cry a lot ok dont @ me.
celebrity you want to meet// hands down got7, and if thats kind of cheating, then kim yugyeom. i discovered kpop two years ago, and got7 was my first kpop band i ever saw...and kim yugyeom is my ult bias!! literally if i met him i wouldnt know what to do or say...i would probably just faint kekekek.
do you have any other social media// i have a pinterest (lame but if you wanna check it out then here:
how old were you when you got your first kiss// literally why do all of these tags have questions abt kissing? im probably gonna have my first kiss when im 65 at the rate im going, thanks for asking.
what are some of your hobbies// drawing, watercoloring, decorating, singing, practicing uke, memes, you know, the usual.
i sound so lame in this post but what really matters is whether i really am or not...and i will leave that up to you guys.
love you all,
xx, seiji!!