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i see it

i see us getting married, decorating our first home together,

cuddling during scary storms, watching movies on friday nights.

i see us dancing awkwardly by ourselves in the kitchen, cracking corny jokes,

waking up to each other's smiles, going to amusement parks.

i see us getting into disagreements and making up afterwards,

i see us cooking together, annoying each other on purpose.

i see us making pancakes for dinner, making blanket forts with our kids,

getting cozy during cold nights, singing at the top of our lungs.

i see us staring at each other and smiling for no reason in the world,

i see us going on dates, taking walks around our neighborhood.

i see us having the most adorable babies , teaching them all the things they should know.

i see us having tickle fights and sleeping in on saturday mornings.

i see us in love, so so in love.

i see us together, forever.

xx, seiji (is this not the cutest poem or what?)

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