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oh so tired

i am a blank canvas, i am an empty glass

without your love shining through me, reminding me im something, someone.

im empty, im alone, im tired.

tired of the way the sun stops shining without you.

tired of the way the moon wont glow.

tired of the stars being shy at twilight

tired of the waves ceasing.

im tired of the restlessness my heart feels without you

tired of the long, dreary thoughts

tired of the dead flowers curling around me

tired of the quiet noisiness of my mind

tired of the way the wind blows across my dull, tear-stained face

im tired of the way my eyes water up at the mention of your name

tired of my endless, unceasing ideas

tired of worrying about nothing

tired of my sadness crippling my creativity

tired of the way the world spins so. incredibly. slowly.

im tired of the air tasting stale when i wake up

tired of the way my sheets crumple up

tired of my spirits plummeting with every thought

tired of wondering about you and what you are doing

tired of walking without a purpose

im tired of everything

im tired of everything but your love

and i cant get enough of it

im oh so tired

xx, seiji

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