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life updates and randomness

hi !! so im gonna just sit here and ramble about life and whats going on and stuff, and maybe this will be good, maybe it wont.


where do i start? i am doing a million subjects (jk but like 8 or 9...i think) and so far, so good. i actually really like my consumer's math class, which surprised me since i suck at math, but my teacher is pretty chill and even though it isnt my fave way to spend my spare time, consumers math is fun! and graphic design is so so awesome!! i dont even see it as a chore, i love everything about it. even though a couple times ive had trouble with the computer (i never said i was tech savvy), i am having heaps of fun;) my current class assignment is that i have to make a landscape!! the rest of my subjects on mostly online, and the only one i hate through and through is biology (but everyone and their dog hates biology), the rest are fine though. i especially like economics. so yeah, im swamped with homework, but needless to say, im loving school so far, which might sound weird but you know, thats fine.

food (yes i need a section for food)//

i havent mentioned this, but ive been on a diet since august (right after i came back from camp i hopped on this diet) and it is basically the keto diet, which i know is oh so trendy right now, but its honestly the best diet, because even though i cant have sushi and potatoes, i can still eat tons of meat and i is fine. so far i have lost 11 pounds, and im loving it! i can fit into a couple jeans i was too big for before;) ALSO (this isnt really keto related) i found a copycat recipe for chickfila sauce and when i saw it i nearly peed my pants because I LOVE CHICKFILA SAUCE. i mean, everybody does but like i will straight up drink it with a straw. so i have been whipping some of that up with some chicken breasts and i kinda live off of that meal now. anyways, lets stop talking about food.


okay okay everyone knows i like kpop, like a lot. so i guess i wont even mention any of that lol. since school started i have been listening to a buttload of just instrumentals, and i found some real tasty beats. here are some of my fave instrumentals:

fingerbib - aphex twin

hold me - olmos

only you- pomo

sundae - baynk

resonance - home (the freaking best song ever)

without you - craves

and i have more but i recently posted my current playlist so ill spare you. also my headphones did that lame thing where only one of the earbuds will work and so thats been bothering me.


ive been happier lately, for some reasons, known and unknown. i know im not all alone, there are some close friends who have been really loving and encouraging:) when i get all dark and down i know there is someone to talk to. my prayer life has been flourishing, and i think my depression really pushes me to the Lord in my times of need. and even after i feel better, i know that without Him i will fall. realizing this has helped me lately, and i have been praying a lot. also i have one best friend in particular that is such an encouragement. also if you guys couldnt tell from all my mushy gushy poems, i may or may not be hopelessly in love lol. hard to be extremely sad when that special someone is on your mind, am i right? so yeah, i have been feeling happier than usual, more alive and aware that things arent so bad.

there you guys go! my lil life update:) i think i should do these more often, but we will see what school allows! love you all.

xx, seiji

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