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i do write

i do write a lot

i write things that some people like,

some people do not.

some say they are too sad, some say i try too hard.

some think they are amazing, and that i should do more.

i do write a lot

i write things that are real to me

some things i make up.

some writings cut deep into my heart, some cause intense heartache.

some make me happier than ever, some cause immense joy.

i do write a lot

i write things that take mere seconds to write

or things that i contemplate for hours.

some things are so easy to express, so enjoyable to scribble down.

some things keep me up at night, untangling my feelings.

i do write a lot

i write because i care.

i care about my feelings, and what they mean.

i care about the people who struggle to express themselves.

i care about the things no one wants to talk about.

i do write a lot

i write because the truth matters to me.

i know reading things may hurt, it can be painful.

i know the truth is too much at times, i know it can tear at our minds.

words do matter to me.

i do write a lot

i write because words are beautiful things, they create color in our dull minds.

i write because words can do so much to us, they make us excited, happy, angry, anxious.

words can make us more sensitive to our everyday lives, more aware of how we impact others.

words bring me up, make me think, make me understand.

i do write a lot

and yes, it hurts me too.

and yes, it is hard.

and yes, it is painful.

but i do write a lot because it matters.

xx, seiji

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