im waiting
im waiting for the snow to wipe out your memory i anxiously await the day when your laugh stops echoing in my mind and i forget how you...

11:26 p.m
12.30.2017 11:36 p.m seiji it was simple. i wanted to hug you. i wanted to feel your warm palm on mine. so silly, so young, so...

i disappear so slowly fading into the back like ive stopped existing or something. just sink straight into the walls, let them consume...

im just floating on a ball in space and the little tiny things make me so happy. we humans crave so many simple gestures... grab my hand...

little by little i descend hating myself more with every step i am going down again, after i promised i wouldnt. my feet take me where i...

there is such a big world out there so many people to meet, places to travel a million doors waiting to be discovered and so so many...

ghosts of you
the shadows of you haunt me, all the rooms that we once laughed in the corners we confided in, the places we lost ourselves in. all of...

a soft voice whispers in my ear, lift me out of my despair the most gentle hands hold me close, just help me numb the pain all i feel is...

all of the world is so chaotic. splashes of excitement, shouts, endless chattering paints our lives. im caught up in the whirl of faces....

best of me
a million thoughts rise, thousands of wrestling ideas. im tangled up, im upset, im terrified by my mediocrity; how can anyone love me?...