
im just floating on a ball in space and the little tiny things make me so happy.
we humans crave so many simple gestures...
grab my hand and touch your lips to my cheek and thats all i want.
humans hug when we get sad, and take naps when we get tired and we use our voices to sing songs another human in a happy mood wrote. and i can sigh and it means so many things.
a sigh could mean im hungry or tired or disappointed or relieved.
i can yell and it could mean im excited or scared or trying to get your attention.
i can tickle someone and all they can do is laugh and laugh and laugh...
we open our mouths and show our teeth when we want to express happiness.
none of theses things are planned, we dont even think about them, we just do it.
we dance to beats and rhythm, we write to tell our thoughts, we read to gain more knowledge, we have vocal cords and use them almost nonstop. we light candles to calm down and take long showers to relax and we bake when we crave sweets and we dream so much.
we dream everyday, every night, pretty much always. we are always hopeful and wondering about our future and wanting to love and live.
we love humans related to us and we love humans that we meet randomly. we show pity to homeless people. we show anger at injustice.
we smile when we see cute things, we laugh at silly videos, we just do things and we dont mean to. we just do.
we communicate and learn and teach and impact random people. we show respect and we know right from wrong.
we cry salty tears when someone breaks our hearts and soar when someone tells us they love us.
we are humans, we are reflections of God...we are made in His image.
xx, seiji