slants of moonlight fall on my dress as a twirl in the calm, firefly-lit meadow. mint leaves hold my senses. clusters of blood red roses...

a star in the heavens above infinitely away out of my reach a smile from the man in the moon forever apart never to reach my vicinity...

I crane my neck to find your character. I wash my hands of your worldly portrayal. Your personality is never too much; sometimes, I...

if i could fly and always touch the sky, how happy i'd be! if i could swim and have fins instead of limbs, how happy i'd be! if i could...

Dear World
dear world, you can keep your riches and splendor. you can have your empty promises and ill-gained wealth. you may relish in your...

Sympathize With The Rain
Sometimes, over the monotonous hills of logic and the senseless ramblings of the self, I find myself thirsting for a ruler. The sweet...

At the end of the day, we are all dust. We try to find identity all the time, it is human-nature. We crave to be put into some kind of...