life updates and shtuff
heyo. sorry ive been a little MIA lately. here are some random life updates and whats going on, hope you enjoy. school// the first...

there is such a big world out there so many people to meet, places to travel a million doors waiting to be discovered and so so many...

current playlist // november faves
so this month i didnt find that much new music, i mainly listened to christmas music and chilled around the house. and did some homework...

ghosts of you
the shadows of you haunt me, all the rooms that we once laughed in the corners we confided in, the places we lost ourselves in. all of...

a soft voice whispers in my ear, lift me out of my despair the most gentle hands hold me close, just help me numb the pain all i feel is...

random rambles// kinda poem, kinda not
im so lost why cant i love the person that i look at in the mirror? she looks so broken and confused, so alone and upset. she looks so...

current playlist // october faves (atm)
THIS IS REAL EARLY IK!! but i recently found some really good jams, and i had to share them. i really hope you guys like this...

all of the world is so chaotic. splashes of excitement, shouts, endless chattering paints our lives. im caught up in the whirl of faces....

best of me
a million thoughts rise, thousands of wrestling ideas. im tangled up, im upset, im terrified by my mediocrity; how can anyone love me?...

questions i never get asked pt 2
^this is a really old picture haha i know this is real soon, but i stumbled upon some other questions people dont usually ask...so here...