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life updates and shtuff

heyo. sorry ive been a little MIA lately. here are some random life updates and whats going on, hope you enjoy.


the first semester is over! i turned in my final portfolio for graphic design earlier today, and took the final test in both classes. so i get a 5 week long break, and i feel like i need it. i do have a couple projects to work on, but i have sooo much time to do it in.

i will be (hopefully) showing you guys some of the work i have done for graphic design, although i am not extremely skilled at using gimp yet, i am getting there.

random stuff//

i am currently making you guys a killer playlist for my december faves! i have found some oldies but goodies, and i cant stop listening to them. i cant wait to share it with you all. my spotify has been rediscovered, and if you want to follow me, my username is @peppperr.

i only have one playlist of some faves so far. but stay tuned;)

ALSO i have found the most amazing candle scents eVeR. i know i sound like an old lady but ive become strangely addicted to the holiday scents bath and body works has to offer. i first bought hot cocoa and cream (heaven tbh), then i bought white mint (wowie) and then FINALLY campfire donut. the. best. scent. in. life. I SRSLY NEED THAT SCENT TO BE A PERMANENT FIXTURE AT B&B.

anyways i digress.


lately i have been a little obsessed with skincare. trying toners, body lotions, hand creams, facial masks, name it. i found the mario badescu facial sprays through @marlacatherine (from youtube) and have been so in love. they work great as primers before makeup. i really want to try out more from the mario badescu, but it can be a lil pricey and i can find great skincare products for discount at, like, tjmaxx. (i srsly sound like a middle aged woman in this post pls help)


nothing new really. i recently bought a couple colourpop super shock shadows and i have been using them nonstop ever since. i am completely in love and blown away by colourpop as a company. I JUST WANT TO BUY EVERYTHING FROM THE WEBSITE. anyways, one of the shades i got is called "flipper" and firstly i love love love orange eyeshadow. i like applying bright orange eyeshadow to my lid and just throw some mascara on and thats it. and flipper is the perfect, sparkly, orange, beautifulness.

so yeah. love me some colourpop.


i basically live off miso soup and homemade chickfila k.

when i find a food i like, its hard for me to let go...which is probably why i have a really hard time staying fit when im not dieting.

thats it! sorry i have not been posting as much. i have hit a creative block that is kinda crippling me in a lot of my hobbies, bc i am a very creative person. and that includes blogging! but i am trying to push through.

xx, seiji

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