more journal peeks :)
more random sketches!! p.s thats my tripod just chillin' in that corner there and its bugging me but eh. there isnt much to say so......

what if people forget? what if the times you shared with people dont mean anything and the memories you had together lose their hue? they...

random wishlist (cuz why not)
(i know i know the picture is blurry but shhhh i think youll be fine) just a little wishlist of things that i kinda want i love reading...

a list of wonderful things
things that i think are beautiful and wonderful and dont get enough attention + tiny seashells + dried flowers + stickers + fairy lights...

homeschooler stuff
ok this post has been on my mind for a bit now, and uh, here it is. i will start out by saying....yes, i am a homeschooler. i was...

current playlist // january faves
its almost february?! well, that means its time for my monthly playlist;) some of the music this month is kinda rlly weird so be prepared...

frens + food
some random pictures of my past week! above is my cute new journal that is super photogenic lol below is me and my friend hannah...

prayer journal entry #1
10:21 p.m 1.18.2018 sometimes its like the love God gives me overflows and i get overwhelmed by His goodness and mercy and His incredible...

nighty night
the way the sky kinda gets quiet and the world sighs in relief that another day is done. the way the sun kinda nestles closer to the...

making bad art + being bad at stuff in general
here are some drawings i did that didnt turn out, and at first i thought i wouldnt share them. but i decided to show you that everyone...