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homeschooler stuff

ok this post has been on my mind for a bit now, and uh, here it is. i will start out by saying....yes, i am a homeschooler. i was actually in public school until 5th grade, but i have been homeschooled since. annnnddddd i freaking love it! a lot more than i liked public school let me tell ya. and in some ways i am a stereotypical homeschooler but in other ways i am not.

so here is a list of things that make me stereotypical and things that make me "weird"....even though trust me, homeschool stereotypes are usually pretty accurate lol.

why i am a stereotypical homeschooler//

- i have 10 siblings, and i live with 5 (YES IK IK)

- i have nodded my head in agreement at blimey cow's videos (THE DUDE IS SO ACCURATE ITS SCARY AND UNCOMFORTABLE AT TIMES)

- we eat all organic hahahaha yeah and fun fact it ISNT torture....

- i know almost every silly songs with larry

- i only go to a doctor if a zombie bites my arm off or smth

- i am closest friends with the lame kids at church (jk i luf those guys) ((jk)) (((no rlly)))

- i do school in comfy pajamas (more like gym shorts and hoodies)

- bill nye is basically the father of demons

why i am not a stereotypical homeschooler//

- i didnt even know what a co-op was until last year

- i dont only wear jean skirts

- i do not watch little house on the prairie

- i feel pretty comfortable in a public school bc i was there for like 6 years of my life

- sometimes someone is like "oh, its a homeschooler thing" and im just like NOPE HAHA BC I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU JUST SAID AND I AM A HOMESCHOOLER

- we have never owned a lot of animals

- i listen to other things aside from ksbj


- i suck at cooking

- we dont own a large white van

- i have like one friend over the internet

- i dont dress like a nun

- i dont want 34 kids bc uh just no

- im a HUGE extrovert and i love humans and talking and things

- i dont like any school subjects at all

- except art stuff

- does that even count

- anyways....


some of us want to go to college and some of us dont know what popular stuff is (im so irrelevant its ridiculous) and thats ok.

anyhoo there is a little run down on my thoughts on homeschool stereotypes and why i am one and at the same time why i am not one.

xx, seiji

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