prayer journal entry #1

10:21 p.m
sometimes its like the love God gives me overflows and i get overwhelmed by His goodness and mercy and His incredible grace. He gives us everything we need, and more! lately i have been learning to lean on Him more for daily, trivial things. He is not a distant, snobby God but a loving Father who wants to hear every detail of our day and who wants us to depend on Him. His burden is easy, His yoke is light. what He asks of us isnt hard, or bad. He wants us to be so overwhelmed with His goodness and love that we overflow and show the love of Christ to the ones around us! He gives us the desires of out hearts, He comforts, He lets us talk to him. the greatness and humility of the Lord is one of the most beautiful things ive ever experienced. i read in proverbs that when we mock the poor we insult our Maker. isnt that crazy? isnt it wonderful how personal God is with us?we are filthy, dressed in rags, yet the Creator of the universe stoops down and defends "the least of these"...truly the humility and greatness of God is awe-inspiring. everything He bestows on us tiny beings is a blessing. breathing and sunrises and food and friends and love and animals.
im thankful for my family and my friends...
im thankful for toddler and baby's kisses.
im thankful for taste buds.
im thankful for siblings who make me laugh so hard it hurts.
im thankful for sushi and candles and art and silly games and churches where i can worship you with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
im thankful for You, God.
keep helping me God, to step away from my negative viewpoint and let me see the wider scope of things. keep meeting us here in the little blessings. keep showing Yourself in people's smiles, in cool breezes, in breathtaking sunrises until we meet you face to face.
xx, seiji