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random wishlist (cuz why not)

(i know i know the picture is blurry but shhhh i think youll be fine)

just a little wishlist of things that i kinda want

i love reading other people's wishlists because it gives me inspiration and i find out cool stuff and i overall think its fun lol.

so here is a list of some things ive been wanting to try out... p.s the light grey text is links if you guys wanna check out any of the products mentioned;)

+ more plants!!

- i have been wanting little houseplants so badly lately (the one in the picture above is new and i named her helen) i think plants really add so much to rooms, and theyre so beautiful. i also have a little succulent named rodrigo but thats all:'''( so yeah, i want some more plants for my bedroom decor.

- its so beautiful. i love it so much. i love hoodies (i always get mine in the size large bc its so cozy) and the retro vibes and cute colours are realllyyy awesome.

- i have sampled this at sephora and its honestly so amazing. it instantly de-puffs and cools down your skin. ive also heard amazing reviews about it.

- this is one of the newer super shock shadows they recently released...its only 5 dollars so i keep wanting to buy it but....idk i have no money lol. it looks like such a pretty duo-chrome color. but tbh give me anything from colourpop and i will be a happy camper.

+ a new desk l o l...

- idk what kinda of desk yet but my current desk is rllllyyy ugly and stained with paint so yeah. i need a new desk.

- i only have the lense my camera came with, and as i did research i realized that this lense is very affordable and compact and does the job well. it shoots in low light and blurs backgrounds very well. but if i cant even afford a five dollar eyeshadow at this point, uh....this is definitely on my christmas list!

- i just think its cute, thats all. plus i am obsessed with oversized jackets soooo...

+ huge stuffed animals!!

- random ik, but theyre honestly my favorite things to cuddle up to at night and theyre soooo cozy and soft!

maybe this was a weird little post, but hopefully you liked it! also i know its gonna be spring and summer soon and i have two jackets on my wishlist sooo hahaha.

xx, seiji

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