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what if people forget?

what if the times you shared with people dont mean anything

and the memories you had together lose their hue?

they forget the time you made them laugh so hard they cried

they forget the moments when you put your arms around them to comfort

they forget the silly times and the silly arguments and the silly everything.

and maybe then you forget.

you forget the way their smile lit up their eyes and

the weird inflection of their voice when they told a funny story.

you forget the way you confided in them and the way they held you so tightly.

and then maybe the memories turn into nothing.

just little wisps of what once was.

and all the color and vibrancy and laughter

turn into whispers that were so long ago it seems like

your imagination?

dont forget.

dont forget the first time they cried with you.

dont forget the times when they let you know you meant the world to them.

dont forget the silly arguments and the silly times and the silly everything.

dont forget when they looked you straight in the eye and said "i love you"

its all so important.


i guess what is happening is i am starting to realize that all human relationships come to an end. the only relationship that can last is our relationship with Jesus Christ. He is here for us no matter what. but us humans move on... whether intentional or not, it just happens. we die, we move away, we get angry...we forget. and out of all those, forgetting is probably the saddest. its sobering to look back on the fun times we are living in now and realize that we will forget this, we might not care about this anymore. it is sobering to look at the person you are so in love with and realize that maybe you will forget. maybe you will move away and meet someone else and that person will become your everything. friendships come and go, people come and go. relationships end and start. its a sad reality. and even sadder, at the end of it all, we dont care that we have loved and moved on. we dont care that we have made friends and then left them. i dont want to forget all the people i love right now, in this moment. i dont want anyone to forget.

xx, seiji

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