random rambles // growing in Christ's likeness
another random rambles, correct. but ive learned so much and God has given me so much to ramble about so here we are: firstly, pursue...

prayer journal #2
1:43 pm 1.25.2018 i was just thinking that putting up a facade and pretending to be a christian could possibly be the scariest thing ive...

prayer journal entry #1
10:21 p.m 1.18.2018 sometimes its like the love God gives me overflows and i get overwhelmed by His goodness and mercy and His incredible...

random rambles// personal stuff idk
hi guys (im not assuming your gender... i call everyone guys, dont @ me) i was sitting here wondering what i should post on my blog and...

it engulfs me, and i guess it is a friend, the night air stills when i glance at the stars, they whisper me a song full of hopelessness,...

I fear a lot. Well, humans fear a lot. I sometimes get lost in the fear. Overwhelmed is a better word. Waves of doubt and apprehension...

Some Nights...
at night, i am cynical never believing that the sun will come up again upon my sinful frame. at night, i am hopeless never realizing that...

The world and christians. So different yet in the same situation. God, sin, Heaven and hell. What to do? We are torn from this world by...

Faith Or Good Works?
Romans states, "For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law." But James says,"For as the body apart from the...

Dear World
dear world, you can keep your riches and splendor. you can have your empty promises and ill-gained wealth. you may relish in your...