the truth
webs of remembering cling to me. my tear streaked face is shivering. the cold around me doesnt cause this. the truth does. sage #poems #me

teasing galaxies
an open secret, it might sound like an oxymoron, but let me explain. my secret has been made known to the heavenly bodies above. it was...

slants of moonlight fall on my dress as a twirl in the calm, firefly-lit meadow. mint leaves hold my senses. clusters of blood red roses...

in their hands a heart they form mumbling the strength of their undying love. in their hands they hold a powerful substance, a nuclear...

I fear a lot. Well, humans fear a lot. I sometimes get lost in the fear. Overwhelmed is a better word. Waves of doubt and apprehension...

Some Nights...
at night, i am cynical never believing that the sun will come up again upon my sinful frame. at night, i am hopeless never realizing that...

The Difference
the world. so tempting; so desirous The Lord. Looked at with bored eyes the difference. Appalling. why though? until you taste of God's...

a star in the heavens above infinitely away out of my reach a smile from the man in the moon forever apart never to reach my vicinity...

I crane my neck to find your character. I wash my hands of your worldly portrayal. Your personality is never too much; sometimes, I...

The world and christians. So different yet in the same situation. God, sin, Heaven and hell. What to do? We are torn from this world by...