skateboards and stationary
i bought more stationary. whats new? dont mind my almost double chin, these are candids. love, seiji! #snaps #me #photography #adventures...

snaps: more food and friends
^ me and my friends at church... ^this beautiful thing ^ and then hannah and i went shopping for my fabric to!! make!! a!! dress!! im!!...

my bullet journal supplies !!
hi everyone who reads this! today im going to show you my bujo supplies:) i have: - metallic sharpies - 12 different colored ink pads -...

the sky has ivory hands, winking eyes, a smile shining brightly. it caresses me with its gentle rain and brings me to life with its...

bujo tour (so far)
i love bullet journaling, that is all. #make #diy #photography #bujo

snaps: food & friends
i had tons of fun with my friends all day today:) ^guys srsly i cant ^candid courtesy of esther ^finally a good selfie:) ^then tons of...

i started a bujo!!
im super pumped about starting a bullet journal! i will keep everyone posted (how bout a bujo tour sometime soon?) - seiji #make #diy...

snaps of life
life lately has consisted of studying for hep classes, spending money at the target dollar spot, and tons of doodles and calligraphy:-)...

the cutest sewing book ever
this post is mainly photos of my new aesthetically perfect sewing book, given to me by a certain hannah banana. hope yall enjoied this...

diy binder!!
this is the story of a plain jane white binder that suddenly found meaning and purpose through the power of diy-ing. i basically just...