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snaps of life

life lately has consisted of studying for hep classes, spending money at the target dollar spot, and tons of doodles and calligraphy:-)

also, down below is the camera that my aunt gave me for christmas! its so beautiful, i cant stop touching it loling. its a film camera though, so it wont be my permanent cam (as much as i want to be)

i have too many page flags and sticky notes to be healthy.

i have. so far, sewed two handwarmers and two bows (with a certain hannah banana helping, ofc)

my lil brohams showed me their camp...

more notes....

my beautiful camera:)

down below is homemade lipstick (pink and red) that i diyed from aww sam!

this is my attempt to write japanese, if anyone reading this is japanese just know that i copied this from my paints and it sucks so #dontjudgeok

i look dead but here are some pics from the rooftop (*whispers* up on the roof top step in time)

then i hung out with ellie and annie and it was so v fun! we ate microwaveable eggs, binged gilmore girls, and squealed over dean (even though annie spoiled it and told me about jess)

ellie will hate me for posting this but yolo

then us eating mcdonalds and rotting our brains with electronics:)

love, seiji

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