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my bullet journal supplies !!

hi everyone who reads this! today im going to show you my bujo supplies:)

i have:

- metallic sharpies

- 12 different colored ink pads

- 30 alphabet stamps

- 20 symbol stamps

- page flags

- faber castell pens (they are amaze ok)

- 5 rolls of washi tape

- 4 rolls of holographic tape (for 25 cents each !!)

- i think like...100 copic markers lol

i got a ton of this stuff from the dollar spot at target sooo, this is super cheap and easy to aquire tbh.

i use the page flags for studying also, and they are so cute!

i got all twelve ink pads for 6 bucks...

and then my faber castell pens! these are an essential for my bujoing!

copic markers selll for about 7 dollars at most anywhere. i use mine for coloring and shadows.

washi and holographic tape are must haves for mme too. they enhance the pages and add color and pattern effortlessly.

here are some examples of what to when you arent bullet journaling and with the items i have!



here below i used the heart stamps and my faber castell pens and some copic...also you see me use the washi tape on the side of the other page.

here is another pen and copic doodle

anyways, i hope this inspired you and stay tuned for more!!

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