more sketches :)
here are some more doodles and random drawings...hope you enjoy! xx, seiji #drawing #make #photography

going to kemah!!
recently my friends and i went to kemah boardwalk, and here are the pictures i took! hope you enjoy:) firstly, here is christian, seth,...

snaps of the past week!!
this week i had so much fun, hanging out with friends and having a good time. plus im on spring break now so yay! first, me and knox are...

3:30 pm 2.26.2018 picked up my paint brushes and sat down at my desk for an hour, just watercoloring and listening to some music. it was...

random rambles // life lately + pics !!
whats up? today's post is gonna be a random rambles because lately i havent been writing much or taking pictures of much or drawing much...

more journal peeks :)
more random sketches!! p.s thats my tripod just chillin' in that corner there and its bugging me but eh. there isnt much to say so......

a list of wonderful things
things that i think are beautiful and wonderful and dont get enough attention + tiny seashells + dried flowers + stickers + fairy lights...

frens + food
some random pictures of my past week! above is my cute new journal that is super photogenic lol below is me and my friend hannah...

nighty night
the way the sky kinda gets quiet and the world sighs in relief that another day is done. the way the sun kinda nestles closer to the...

i disappear so slowly fading into the back like ive stopped existing or something. just sink straight into the walls, let them consume...