going to kemah!!

recently my friends and i went to kemah boardwalk, and here are the pictures i took! hope you enjoy:)

firstly, here is christian, seth, and layton wearing matching hoodies and being memes.

then i had to take some cute couple pictures of josh and molly!

so cute:)

then i had to use the restroom, ad i left my camera with seth and layton so they took some pictures lol

then we went and got ice cream at marble slab!!

layton ordered two single scoops of ice cream for him and i, but they messed up and gave him one double scoop haha, so here i am eatign that (we had to share)

then some pictures of him acting like a goof...

then, uh some pictures of us being...us...

seth smh

anyways, i had tons of fun with these kiddos!!

xx, seiji