current playlist// october faves
my current fave songs october grooves// awake (henri purnell remix) - freedom fry passenger seat - clueless kit ft. kora superhero - lauv...

current playlist // august faves
i havent done a playlist since march i think:( but here i is, back and better than ever!! i found some amazing music, so without further...

current playlist // march faves
its already april woah. here are some of my recent song favorites, hope you guys enjoy:) i just need u. - tobymac disciples - tame impala...

current playlist // february faves
heres my february playlist:) this month i didnt find too much new music, but i did find some true jems, so i hope you enjoy! february...

current playlist // january faves
its almost february?! well, that means its time for my monthly playlist;) some of the music this month is kinda rlly weird so be prepared...

current playlist // december faves
this months playlist is kinda exciting for me bc i found some really old music i used to listen to when i was younger!! i also discovered...

current playlist // november faves
so this month i didnt find that much new music, i mainly listened to christmas music and chilled around the house. and did some homework...

current playlist // october faves (atm)
THIS IS REAL EARLY IK!! but i recently found some really good jams, and i had to share them. i really hope you guys like this...

life updates and randomness
hi !! so im gonna just sit here and ramble about life and whats going on and stuff, and maybe this will be good, maybe it wont. school//...

current playlist// september faves
heyo, this post is a little late but better late than never. i love finding new music to listen to, so here is my september faves! also...