flowers do bloom// 꽃 개화

fall isnt forever//가을 은 영원 하지 않다
lift your eyes//눈을 들어
breath wont always turn into frost.
grass wont forever freeze in place.
the earth has four seasons.
so simple.
you would think i would remember.
life feels like a permanent winter sometimes.
it might be nice for a while.
snow ball fights, hot cocoa, throw blankets.
oh, doesnt it seem nice?
until the white clean snow turns brown.
until you realize that you havent seen the sun in so long.
until Winter's evil twin shows her true colors.
you can only stand the sight of a colorless landscape for so long.
it turns from a ravishing grey beauty, to dull monotone.
i walk the barren streets, thirsting for the sight of the yellow orb in the sky.
but in vain.
you lose hope.
"why not live a life without colors?"
"i can get used to it"
until one day you see a bright pink flower
bravely pushing itself out of an icy sidewalk crack.
then you remember with great joy that flowers do bloom.