two diys
PHOTO GARLAND: all you need for this diy are some beads (i got everything from target), string, and some clips to hang up the photos....

prom and other fun stuff:)
prom was great and i had so much fun:) there was dinner, dancing, door prizes, etc, and i loved it all. i dont know what else to say but...

some snaps
xx, seiji #diy #photography #me #make #bujo #snaps #minimal

a day with the friends:)
alexis, hannah banana, and i had us a fun time at the rail road tracks:) ^ in this picture i was just like "lets cross our legs up" and...

becca's birthday!!
BECCA HAD A BDAY ! i havent seen this girl in six. friggin' months. WOW! so when she invited me to her bday/slumber party, i was so...

i friggin' cut my hair//snaps
GUYYYYYZZZZZZ i cut my hair again!! ALSOOOOOOOO im getting it dyed next weekend. SURPRISE! cant wait to reveal my chosen color...

^ from the body shop ^ hannah and i ^ my cool bag ^ makeupless seiji ^ my room ^ my desk ^ my bujo ^ me and rookie:) xx, seiji...

another day at kemah
i had tons of fun with my besties all day at kemah again! xx, seiji #friends #photography #adventures #bigcitygirl #snaps

more bujo spreads
sorry for spamming you with pics of my bullet journal. no, im not obsessed. why do you ask? #make #diy #bujo #snaps

bullet journal snaps:)
bujo-ing has taken over my life, that is all. #make #diy #photography #bujo #snaps