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becca's birthday!!

BECCA HAD A BDAY ! i havent seen this girl in six. friggin' months. WOW!

so when she invited me to her bday/slumber party, i was so hyped:) (btw it took ellie like 10 minutes of chasing this poor chicken to catch it lol)

we tie dyed was super messy!

we played twister, and it was NOT fair bc adriana and becca are in gymnastics and are so flexible!!

blowing out the candles...

^ wee stayed up til almost two watching storks and talking about prom:) and then we woke up late and ate some food:)

^ jumping on the trampoline b4 church...

^ annnddd we all wore sneakers to church lol

^ after lunch and church (and why am i so weird like smh)

^ becca, adriana, and me

^ and then being bored 2gether:)

it was so much fun, i hope i dont go that long again without seeing becca!!

xx, seiji

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