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a trip down memory lane pt. 3

this should also be titled "cringe with me". but here are even more old pictures! most of them are of myself, because im sure yall didnt come here for old pictures of my little brothers. i hope? this one is longer than usual, because i found even more pictures;) be prepared to see all my selfies and such. im scared tbh. but firstly, here is a picture of me and hannah, rocking the short hair and fish faces.

^a selfie of 12 year old me

^my eleventh birthday :) this was taken in oklahoma.

^vbs 2015 lol

^my older brother antonio!! this was taken on my first blog camera. it was a rlly cheap camera hehe.

^one of my first times with libby, my sister!! we met 4 years ago i believe.

^me and antonio at minute maid park, watching the astros!!! it was dollar hot dog night, and antonio had 9 hot dogs and won 20 bucks for it lol.

^i have so many selfies that just confuse me

^*sigh* i would rather not talk about this....well actually. i used to have a fashion blog smh and this was the content i provided.

^hannah if you are looking at this im so sorry

^some more "fashion" photos lol

^my old bedroom

^how i used to blog...with baby knox on my lap!!! he is so little and squishy here!!!

^idk what the meaning or point of this photo was

^me and trip!!!

^more "fashion" pics lollll

^arggghhhhh this is so bad help im melting

^ i never even LIKED tmnt what was i doing??

^cutie pie:)

^welp that doesnt match at all

^me and jc!!! she has food in her mouth ew

^i took a lot of pictures of myself, but i do really love legos:)

^^some hair was so short and choppy. ALSO yeah i plucked my naturally bushy eyebrows into submission...but i gave up haha.

^i feel like i had a much larger wardrobe back then for some i dont have that shirt or skirt anymore.

^and i have nothing in this picture except the sweater...which i gave to my mom haha.

^my old room!!!

^my father's shirt...if yall didnt know, my dad was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela:)

^me and banana. we spent soooo much time on these tracks over the past five years:")

^kemah boardwalk!!!! guys i have spent so many days here with my favorite people. ive probably been on the bullet at least 75 times no joke lol.

^im a lizard gorl

^me and jc tryna be "tumblr"

^my city:""( i miss houston with all my being.


^oh the cringe. make it stop, somebody. i need to send this to jc:")

^libby made this picture the piece of art it is

^my nonno!!!

^us three musketeers! im so pale compared to my siblings lol

^more kemah...

^my 14th bday selfies. i was obsessed with this pale pink lip shimmer...and idk why. my hair is a lil lighter in this picture because i put lemon in it and laid out in the sun all day with jc.

^yeah this was my "kawaii!" phase. i want to forget.

^my hands are so little why have i never noticed until rn. but yeah i wore space buns religiously.

^then i got bangs. but im not gonna lie, i looked cute with them. also i looked like i just graduated preschool so.

^ 14 year old penelope took a million eyebrows were atrocious haha. i never do them now, i gave up.

^PADDY AND EMILY AND TONIO. ft. my rose gold hair and flower crown that i wore everywhere.

^me and tonio...we have come a long way lol

^lolllll our blondie phase. also i look just like my nonno.

^me when i got my hips stuck in this wheeled contraption at walmart. of course instead of helping me, my mom took a picture. this was when i was about 11.


^ i miss these goofsters.

well if you made it this far, youre a real trooper. hope yall enjoyed and also cringed a lot!!!

xx, seiji

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