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2018 top pictures!!!

2018 pictures!!! this isnt the full year review, just my fave memories. i have a crap ton more pictures but i picked out the ones that mean the most to me, and yes, most of it is my friends haha!!

and some pictures are simple and self explanatory^ i made some art this year that i didnt like, and learned a whole heck of a lot from it

^i redecorated my room endlessly, and documented it with pictures

^God showed me (a people person) the simple calm of being alone, of being creative and bold by myself, of letting my creativity shine through my seemingly dull life. i dont need people to be happy, God showed me that so sweetly.

^i did a lot of graphic design work that earned me top student in class, a spot on the class website, and an award. and i must say, im very proud of myself in that regard:))

^i hung out with the hannahs a lot. and i love them so much.

^courtney. where do i begin?? i love this girl like a sister. we hung out once and ended up becoming inseparable, spending almost every single day together, for hours. she would pick me up at 7 am and drop me off at midnight, for weeks on end. laughing so hard we almost peed, pouring out our hearts to each other, giving each other encouragement, and even being stressed out and tired together. we ate so much chickfila, so much asian food, so many avocados. we listened to so much kpop, baby songs, rap. all in the confines of her tiny white car that we traveled in daily to deliver food for a little extra cash. she is my soul sista, my bestie, someone who doesnt care how weird i can be. and i love her for that.

^prom happened and it was anti climactic to say in the least, although my makeup looked nice;)


^we also got matching white rip off birkenstocks, because we cheap.

^me and the beautiful alyssa hung out, and she was an amazing study partner through the school year.

^my bestie jack graduated!!! i love him so much. he makes me laugh, he always looks out for me, i could talk to him for hours. and recently, even though he is away at college, he has taken time out to text me, and call me, and send me stupid gifs that i hate!!

^OK GUYS. this year i made two incredible best best friends who are amazing and deserve all the love in the world. grace and abigail. i think God knew what a hard year this was going to be so he gave these two girls to me, because they are angels. my dream best friends. they will pray for me in front of people at parties, not caring who sees. they will spend all day with me, doing nothing, reading, napping, watching vines. they will text me daily, telling me that they are praying for me. they will throw me surprise parties, they will save up money to visit oregon when i move. they will wake me up in the mornings with a long, warm hug. they will give me presents and cards. they will turn the music up so loud we cant hear our voices and we just scream the lyrics. they will stay up with me alllll night to sneak out and go to the beach. they will cry with me. they will let me borrow their swimsuits so we can sit in the hot tub at midnight and talk about our exes. they will stay up and sneak out to eat at ihop at 2 in the morning. they will give up what they want for me, and i will do the same. they are truly serving God, loving his people, being there for anyone who needs it. and Lord knows, i would do anything for them. and whats awesome and so sweet is the fact that the things i am writing about them right now, they write to me too. through their texts, words, calls, letters, cards, they have told me the same things. gosh guys, i love my besties. grace and abigail are the bomb diggity.

^also side note: abigail and grace are my daughters, and abigail is adopted because she is weird...haha love you though abigail.

^also another side note: we are part of a highly elite cult known as the hyj cult. and the only members are us three.

^guys summer of this year was frickin' magical. and it was because of these two sweet girls:)

^our first official cult meeting

^they took a lot of pics of me and for that im eternally grateful

^5 in the morning drives be like...

^^i ate a lotta food

^i ate a lotta food pt. 2

^i ate a lotta food pt. 3

^i ate a lotta food pt. 4

^saw this incredible movie with abigail

^visited the san jacinto monument for the millionth time in my life (it doesnt get old to me though)

^me and the beautiful girl im proud to call my sister. her and i have such intense, hilarious memories. we can literally look at each other and die laughing. im so glad to have known her since i was a tiny toddler, and to be her bestie and watch her grow into such a sweet, funny, weird girl.

^my oldest sister, banana. i love her so much, from the advice on dating to the times you showed me your old cringey journal entries, i feel like we have done it all, or at least talked about it all lol. you are so blunt, beautiful, and bada-...well you know what i mean;) you are incredibly hannah, and im glad to have such an amazing, funny, unique older sister;)

^ i ate a lotta food pt. 5

^uh, i danced i guess

^hannah helped me eat a lotta food

^one of my better pieces of art, i love her so much.

^i fell in love with this dress, and had my mother take some pics soooo ya ig thats all

^i ate a lotta food pt. 6

^grace eating a lotta food (trust me guys she ate a lotta food this year too, i was with her for a lot of it;)

^hannah treating me to torchys for my 16th bday!!!

^my beautiful camp counselors that i will ever forget and whom i love dearly

^us camp girls

^my squad

^i like to call this one, "hyj takes to the beach"

^sonic after small group (this was also the night tanner and i climbed through the sun roof of the car while grace was driving shhh)

^more food after small group with these kiddos

^i had never taken pumpkin pictures before, so i did, finally. this was also the day i told my mom i had already had my first kiss haha, aint no way i will forget that lollll.

^me and my grand daughter abby!!

^me and the cutest lil mango there ever was!!! seriously, i love this girl. i love her passion for the Lord, her silly quirks, and the fact that she drives me everywhere lol. her voice, her love for Jesus, her calm, quiet spirit all inspire me so much. she is incredible. and also again she is really weird so i feel normal around her;)))) love me some elisha!!!

^me and my squad on homecoming day!!!

^me and the two abigails that im proud to call my grand daughters:")

^and then i hung out with alyssa again, and she took some beautiful pics of me (she is talented)

again, this isnt the year REVIEW, just some highlights. stay tuned for the review guys!

xx, seiji

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