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50 more facts about me (duhhh)

well, its been about 6 months since i last did on of these, so here i am, sharing 50 more facts about me! lets see if i can come up with evennnn more.

1) i love binge watching abc's 2020

2) i had never heard ed sheeran's "perfect" until prom 2018 lol

3) i dont think tom holland is cute in any way shape or form

4) i dont like celery, cucumbers, or watermelon

5) my eyebrows are big (just look at the picture)

6) i have a flip phone

7) at the moment i want to have like 2 kids

8) sometimes i say things i dont really mean and it sucks

9) we might be moving to oregon in january

10) i like hot weather over cold weather

11) i wish i could live at the beach

12) i used to be obsessed w makeup, now i wear it like twice a week

13) i love giving my friends presents

14) i dont like taco bell

15) if i could only pick one style of bottoms to wear, i would choose mom jeans

16) most of my weight goes to my bottom half (it isnt a great as you may think)

17) i have been weight lifting/strength training for almost three months now, and ive seen dramatic results

18) i love avacaodes

19) baby shark is always stuck in my head

20) i quote spongebob like other people quote shakespeare

21) im annoying (i think ive said this before)

22) my fave feature is probably my eyes

23) i wish i gained a little more weight on my arms, they are so skinny

24) texas is the best state ever, dont even question it

25) i dont like bbq that much, its alright

26) i always have a pile of laundry to do

27) my mom loves baking but i dont like sweets soooo yeah basically im a disappointment

28) i react to sugar very give me a sip of soda and ill go bonkers

29) i used to hate myself, but now i think im very creative and strong, and it feels good to know that.

30) a weakness of mine is that i get attached quickly

31) but its also a strength in a way, im super loyal.

32) if i truly love someone, i love them even when they hurt me. i cant decide whether that is a strength or weakness.

33) i have bad allergic reactions to bug bites, my legs are scarred

34) i get high off of benadryll, you can ask everyone who was with me on the bus home from camp

35) i try to be tough but i cry everyday

36) i love watching cheesy movies so i can cringe and complain about how low the quality is

37) my chore is just cleaning the entire kitchen, and taking the trash out

38) i always complain about travelling but if im being honest, id rather stay in houston for the rest of my life. everyone i love is here

39) i just saw the new youtube rewind and im pretty sure my face is permanently cringing now

40) my hair hardly ever looks good but its ok, i own it

41) i decorated my room for christmas back in september

42) cool tones dont look good on me

43) my eyes change color. if im wearing a green shirt, they look green, if i wear a blue shirt, they look blue, if i wear a grey shirt, they turn grey...and i also have a speck on brown in each eye

44) i cant do anything normal without ironically dabbing someone help

45) i get pimples maybe...3 times a year?

46) i have really dry skin though, so that sucks

47) i try to be nice to everyone, but sometimes i just lose it...usually over text since im lowkey a coward

48) i get so depressed i cant even eat or sleep

49) next school year im going to be a senior!!!

50) prayer is my only hope

xx, seiji

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