a trip down memory lane (old photos)
this is going to be a chill post, showing tons of pictures from a while ago; and tbh most of these are cringey and/or silly. i kinda wanna do a part two of this, i have sooooo many pictures. im trying really hard to get back on blogging so i hope whoever reads this blog finds it enjoyable;)

^me and hannah (she is my big sister tbh)

^me and jc!!!! my best friend and sister:)

^when i was a smol little child (i think i was 6?)

^when i was OBSESSED with got7...which i mean yeah i still like them but at the time i couldnt live without them lol.

^me and my skinny pale legs lol; i forgot how skinny i was!!

^me wishing i was asian in 2016

^my nonno and nonna at my dad's wedding in 2016!!

^ugh. 2016 was the year of me trying really hard to be "kawaii" and asian stuff ruled my life. i wanted bangs, i wanted the fashion, the makeup, the music.

^when i was obsessed with pink (same year smh)

^my old art journal

^me when i turned 14....i actually was somewhat tan and my hair was lighter from being in the sun so much. also i plucked my eyebrows. yikes!

^here i am debuting my thigh gap that i worked so hard for, because it was a "trend". i gave up, and my thighs are happier now haha!!

^ a "candid" that i took myself, and it was my instagram profile picture for a while.

^the first day i ever met becca!!! early 2016.

^me and jacinda lol; i was super into the big hipster nerdy glasses.

^ danny, hannah, and rebecca. also known as my big brother, my big sister, and my little sister.

^twelve year old me getting glammed up for a picture. I MISSSSS MY HAIR!! i forgot how long and pretty it was:((

^um, yeah. i was super into skateboarding late 2014, early 2015.

^vbs 2015

^vbs 2015 ft. my boy hair

^me and my little sister naila

^uuuggghhhh my old pictures hurt for me to look at....

^it physically hurts for me to post this but for everyone's entertainment here i am, thinking i was the cutest darn thing to ever exist. yeah no.

^me trying to be a fashion blogger

^my first time wearing makeup anywhere lol. it was to an andrew peterson concert.

^me trying to show ppl that i got andrew peterson's signature hahahhaha

^i kinda think this is cute, i always used to get my little brothers to take pictures of me.
i hope you guys enjoyed probably laughing at me. i had fun posting this!!! def doing a part two:)
xx, seiji