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50 facts about me (yes, again)

its kinda become a tradition for me to do a 50 facts about me post every 6 to 8 months...and i think this is the fourth addition to the series?? yet somehow i keep thinking up 50 new, different facts to post every time lol. welp, i hope you guys enjoy, here we go!

1// if u wanna go somewhere with me, be prepared for two dozen pictures to be taken...i also expect you to take pictures of me;)

2// i truly dislike soda

3// i used to tell on myself when i was younger...about literally everything

4// im taking dual credit classes soon and im nervous as hecc

5// im in love with white rice

6// my mom is 18 years older than me

7// im obsessed with water idky

8// i love the beach

9// i cant burp on command

10// if i could change my first name, i would want it to be my middle name, sage.

11// my fave physical feature is probably my hair (sometimes lol)

12// i love love love working out

13//pretzels dipped in chic-fil-a sauce is honestly the best

14// my fave kpop song for two years running is see the light by got7

15// i get more stuff done at night than during the day

16// i used to be super flexible but now touching my toes is pushing the limits

17// i still cant whistle

18// i love cuddling with babies

19// i have a large light brown birthmark on the back of my right knee

20// my first celeb crush was cameron boyce loling

21// i live like 30 minutes from my birthplace (love houston)

22// ive been in true love only once

23// i learned to ride a bike when i was about...13 lol

24// i love pho

25// ive never broken or fractured a bone

26// i dont like scary movies but a quiet place is the best thing ever

27// if there was a fire, the first thing i would grab would be my stuffed animals (joel bear and dog)

28// my usual bedtime is 1 or 2 in the morning

29// the first thing i think of when i wake up is how freaking bad i have to pee

30// when i was little i thought clouds moved because they were scared of humans and the noise we created...yeah lol

31// i skip breakfast everyday (ik ik thats not good)

32// longhorns scare the crap out of me

33// the first thing i ever dressed up for halloween as was a ballerina (i was like 6)

34// i once went to the hospital for a bad nose bleed

35// guys i no joke cry so easily

36// doodling helps me pay attention

37// my dad was in the army for 8 years:)

38// im pretty pessimistic

39// i love long walks by myself

40// volunteering is one of my fave things to do. esp with great friends

41// i love me some twenty one pilots

42// drinking water first thing in the morning gives me a stomach ache

43// i laugh a lot in general

44// when someone visits our house, my room is the guest bedroom:/

45// i wanna go to hawaii so badly

46// i wish i could tan easier

47// my summer makeup is literally just highlight, bronzer, mascara, and lip gloss

48// i like to wear more modest swimsuits, but they are a pain to find:/

49// i dont really like gardening but ive been told several times that im a natural at it lol

50// i like to sing outside

hope these were somewhat interesting/ didnt bore you to death.

xx, seiji!!

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