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beach daze

summer so far has been great, ive made some amazing friends and great memories. ^from left to right: abigail, elisha, grace, me, annie, and abigail

^me and my cult/family

^and then a beautiful bloop

^here we all are before we hit the beach!!

^me and the potato (he was the only guy there, so we had a great picture taker lol)

^delicious fish tacos at the spot (courtesy of potato)

^we, uh, buried potato, and uh, turned him into a beautiful mermaid...

^me when i got the worst sunburn ever at a kiddy pool with my family

^me, grace, and abigail at ihop at two in the morning...

^my beautiful corned beef hash (except they ran out of corned beef so i replaced it w bacon haha)

^i treated my smol family to cheesecake at 11 pm:'')

^it was delicious btw

^see im a great mom wow look at my happy children ok woah

^then we laughed hysterically and painted toes and my feet got braces and we became a cult and fiesta is a great nail polish colour...also 10/10 recommend using a butter knife to slice a cucumber

^hurrs our bootyful faces

anyways, hope you guys enjoy these fun pictures!

xx, seiji

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