what ive been up to ((phone edition))
wow ive been so neglectful of my lil blog lately...but here i am, trying to redeem myself with some silly pictures of me and ma frands:)))
also the quality isnt the best bc i brought my phone everywhere and took pictures.

me and my friend alyssa met up to spend a couple hours at the mall, and we had so much fun!

we got so tired in this above picture^ that we sat down on the escalator ha

and chickfila ofc^

me, potato, molly, and seth went to cane's for dinner^

^went to kemah with my family and got some fried foods:))

^^then me and molly secluded from the party we were at and talked and laughed and talked some more and took some cute pictures!!

^ she is so cute !!!

^me, elisha, grace, and ellie

^cake at the scott's

^whataburger with the family

^the san jac monument!! there i am, so small lol

^my bois jack and josh graduated and i may or may not be super proud of em;)

^abigail and i at a party:)

^then delicious food
i hope you guys enjoyed this random post, and forgive me for taking such a long break!
xx, sejij!!