PROM 2018 !!!!

finally some prom pictures! 6 days later lol. there's me, annie, grace, ellie, and molly:)

okay, so truth. i was a nervous wreck the day of prom! i had to work for a few hours in the morning, then order layton's boutonniere (yeah ik i ordered the day of prom but wutevs it worked) then start getting ready. i still had no idea what i could do with my unruly hair, i had no idea how my makeup would turn out, and my dress needed a few tailorings (nothing a few safety pins couldnt fix;)) plus my heels were uncomfortable but beauty is pain amirite.

my dress was from macy's and it was on discount for 77 dollars!! also ik layton and i arent matching but you know what, fight the stereotypes. (jk we were trying to but his tie looked MUCH different on amazon loling)

anyways. me and layton posed awkwardly together and it was fun, we are both awkward and thats fine.

me and ma gurls!!

here is all of us and the dates (josh, layton, jack, sam who is blinking, and seth)

then all the dudes^^^

and more couple pictures!!!

a close up on the face;)

LOL^ so molly was helping me put layton's boutonniere on and she broke it, and my mom happened to take the picture just as me and molly reacted, hence our faces above haha

here you can see my corsage, my nails, and my hair better^

two of my frands^^ i loved grace and molly's dresses, and im so thankful that i got to spend prom with them:')

layton's mom "act natural" ^^

then here is the only good picture i got of us on the boat at prom! we had steak with veal demi-glaze, green beans with bacon, garlic mashed potatoes, salad, and creme brulee cheesecake!! and we just went upstairs afterwards (on the deck outside!) and danced all night. afterwards we went to ihop and left at around 1:30 in the morning) and i FINALLY went to bed at three. which wasnt a good idea bc i had work at 7 but yolo ig. ANYWAYS that wraps prom up, i had an amazing time and i am so thankful for it.
xx, seiji