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more journal entries !!

here are some more recent journal snippets...and some older ones! hope you enjoy!

2.17.2018 - "i have a feeling that the old me really, really likes the new me. at least i hope so."

2.18.2018 - "dancing around in a tie-dye crop top to beach bum music and the window is open and its perfect."

2.19.2018 - "cheating your diet is one hundred percent ok when you are with good friends. never forget that."

2.20.2018 - "my hair was wet from my shower and i smelled like mint and coconut lotions and i had to go to class and the air was humid and warm and for some reason all of these things made for a good day."

2.21.2018 - "today was rough BUT i did hear lots of baby giggles so pretty much im ok."

2.22.2018 - "i woke up angry at 4 am but then my dad got a good job offer at 11 am so um im fine."

2.25.2018 - "everything these past few days has been a blur of good fun, good food, and good people. plus my boy bob ross."

2.27.2018 - "im so happy im dead."

3.11.2018 - "everything will come to an end i just know it."

3.16.2018 - "i love dogs and i hate cats."


9.30.2015 - "now i have to wear these torture devices called bras. UGH!"

10.23.2015 - "i wonder how it feels to kiss a seems unsanitary but romantic."

10.30.2015 - "my dog hates cats almost as much as me...almost."

11.3.2015 - "i hate growing up. i feel like punching growing up in the face."

11.4.2015 - "sam called keison '6 foot 2 caillou' HAHA!"

11.20.2015 - "my cray-cray sister jacinda just came over. she is really a jalapeno in disguise."

12.5.2015 - "ive sneezed five times in the last few sentences."

12.6.2015 - "i told daniel and jack that i didnt like sports and jack said ' you just ruined your chances of ever getting a date.' and i replied, 'i thought i did that when i was born.'"

12.27.2015 - "my mom is going to let me wear makeup for the first time!"

anyways, hope you guys liked these journal entries lol...

xx seiji

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