low quality pictures of high quality people

hey guys! i havent been posting pictures of my everyday life lately, so here is a pile of pictures that i have taken over the course of these past couple weeks. most of these pictures are really shoddy and i apologize. some are from my phone and LOTS of theses are selfies lol.
anyways firstly rook is adorable.
secondly this (below) is my new family.

left to right: dad, mom, and daughter
jk, these are my two hannahs and i love them so much! (but this picture srsly looks so cheesy like help)

then i went to a bob ross party with some awesome humans and we all were rlly bad at it (except antonio which im not even gonna talk abt bc im jealous) but it was fun and thats what truly matters.

and idk what this is...

oh heres brennan holding seven pizzas in the back by himself (i actually told him to pose and this happened ok he looks like a demon)

basically i ate sushi and takis and layton tried to teach me ukulele and rowan showed off her epic muscles

then sunday:
my camera was stolen and spammed and im 100% ok with that

anyways, that concludes this weeks random snaps. hope you enjoyed!!!
xx, seiji