journal excerpts

these excerpts are from some journals years ago, and some are from recently, but i thought it would be fun to share some little snippets from over the years! most of these make no sense...and i journaled pretty much everyday so there are many tiny little snippets. also i kinda got this idea from olivia.... lets go!
12.24.2014 - " i just think spiritual things are too hard for me to understand, since all i have ever known is this earth"
1.6.2015 - "UGGGGGHHH...!"
1.12.2015 - " he thinks i like 1D. i think they are good singers and have a couple nice songs, but im not really a 1D fan. so i faked being excited when he gave me their new album i had never heard about."
2.2.2015 - " oh wow! i am almost 13 and i can finally ride a bike!"
3.11.2015 - "how can you just LIKE someone?"
3.13.2015 - "how does it feel to kiss someone? im probably horrible at kissing"
3.24.2015 - "my canine teeth are EXTREMELY sharp though, like a vampire"
4.1.2015 - " i feel like crying, but i cant. i dont know why!"
4.2.2015 - "getting up at five, making some tea, wrapping myself in a blanket and sitting on the front porch. it sounds really romantic."

4.7.2015 - "i think, sometimes, that it is sad that they go to a place of love, worship, and fellowship and they use it as time to flirt."
4.13.2015 - " grown-ups just liked to ruin fun. they didnt understand that we were too excited about life to obey. so, knowing this together, we disobeyed."
4.14.2015 - "because of me, stupid me, everything is ruined. i want to scream."
4.15.2015 - "i hate how everyone thinks i have an attitude! i wanted that apple, i thought it tasted funny. i seriously thought that! no one in the world will EVER believe me of course. UGGGGHHH."
4.16.2015 - " i went outside and put the worm back into the puddle and decided i was never going to be scared of worms."
4.17.2015 - " i was seven years old and i laughed so hard with my friend that i thought i would never breathe again. at what, you ask? i am not sure."
4.18.2015 - "'i hate you!' i yelled to her, then ran away. i knew i was going to get in trouble Later, but i was living in Now. so i didnt care."
5.20.2016 - "i ended up yelling at him and saying ' i hope i never see you again in my life!' and i ran to the girls bathroom"
now lets fast forward a couple years, shall we? cuz we would be here all day if i didnt lol
2.11.2017 - "and with my arms raised high, i think to myself ' im closer to a tree than a human, at this moment', and i think i am correct."
2.12.2017 - " i totally think one direction is dead. which is sad, but i have no problem saying that zayn is the main reason. also i think i am going to die an old maid. let me get used to the idea."
3. 28.2017 - "i bought tater some takis today bc he is feeling a bit turdy"
4.1.2017 - "i love the moon so much"
10.17.2017 - " you know those kind of days that start out happy but then something little happens and it ruins your day? yeah, good meme."
1.28.2018 - "i thought i was losing my sanity. this dark sadness grabbed hold of me and i was at its mercy. no reason, no rhyme."
1.30.2018 - "and i sat there in the bathtub for half an hour fingerpainting on the tile wall until the bottle was empty and the tile wall was almost full. at the top of my random doodles, i wrote 'JESUS' with a cross on top and i sat there and stared at my artwork and i was happy."
2.16.2018 - " and i can see God looking at me with a loving smile and saying 'see? i told you i would supply, i would give you what you need.' and it makes me want to fall down on my knees and weep and praise Him."

xx, seiji