random rambles// its almost 2018 !!

so you know when you meet amazing people who you end up loving and wonder how you could have ever lived without them and you feel like you have known them forever and you were made to be friends? the kind of people that end up sticking around in your life and make an actual impact in your life? the people who bring you up, encourage you, be honest with you? the ones that finish your sentences and laugh at the same stupid things that you laugh at and you giggle at the same random stuff together bc you had the same exact thought? the ones that will be raw and open and completely themselves without any boundaries and dont care if they expose themselves to you bc they trust you? the ones that you can tell them anything with carefree abandon and you dont care bc you love them and trust them so deeply?
those people are incredible.
i love all my friends. the ones that ive only known for a little bit and the old friends that were loyal and loved me even when i acted annoying (bc im rlly rlly annoying). some amazing friends can be found in the blog community and will email you about the funny conversations they had with their friend and little brother and cousins. or send you silly videos of them driving like a maniac in an atv. some friends will throw you surprise parties and teach you how to microwave eggs. some friends will take you on taco dates and climb your roof for some awesome pictures. some friends will pay 16 dollars for you to go to a play when they thought tickets were only 8 dollars and let you give them endless hugs whenever and wherever you want. some friends stay up late and make goofy videos and let you sleep on them during car trips. some friends will trampoline with you in the morning before church starts and buy you takis and let you cry on their shoulders and comfort you.
i have very few best friends but they are the best. 2017 was a year that some friends left me, and i was shown that even through all the stupid teenage drama there were still humans that loved me. i can honestly say that this was a good year. i feel like i started this year off trying really hard to fit in and do what everyone else was doing to get more friends, and in doing that i made the wrong friends. but over the year i started focusing less on what others thought of me and more on who i wanted to be. and when i accepted all my flaws and who i was as a person, its like all the right people did too. and the people who only liked me for who i pretended i was stopped liking me. and at first it was upsetting, but i realize now that thats a good thing. i dont need to be something im not, i need to be myself.
and im sure everyone already knew all that^ but im sure glad i do now:)
that is all i wanted to ramble about. about the new year, this past year, the humans who made 2017 outstanding...you know who you are;)
xx, seiji