50 more facts about me!!

heyo! its been like 8 months since i did a facts about me post, and a lot has changed so i decided to do another one!! lets go:)
1// i will punch you in the face if you steal my sushi
2// i hate hate hate aegyo!
3// my hair isnt red, its rosy gold.
4// science is my worst subject:/
5// potatoes are my favorite food
6// followed by spicy chips
7// i like silent films
8// i want to live in south korea
9// i redecorate my room every 3 seconds (its a talent)
10// i am a naturally hyper human being
11//my fave instrumentals are usually by Joakim Karud
12// i watch so many makeup tutorials
13// i want to be a graphic designer when im older
14// i like kittens but hate cats
15// i dont watch tv, i watch youtube
16// i lowkey want to dye my hair every color in the universe
17// i have my summer break in the winter
18// i love vietnamese food like wow
19// i want to be a youtuber so badly
20// i wish i could live in sephora
21// i make my life look kinda cute on the blog but irl...im a mess
22//i want to learn how to ice skate
23// i hate my real name
24// i climb on the roof for peace and quiet
25// when i see a girl with my same sense of style i want to be her bestie, asap
26// i actually have more guy friends than girl friends
27// i will eat all of your extra food. youre welcome.
28// i think man buns are stupid
29// i annoy myself
30// i favor savory over sweet
31// i cant wait to go to college !!
32// i have literally lost friends bc i like kpop...
33// my current favorite store is...hot topic (whats new)
34// when i do my makeup i have to have music in the background
35// i was in public school until 5th grade
36// i am the biggest city girl
37// im like, cringey funny
38// i love my friends so much they are the best
39// my favorite super hero is...spiderman?? i think lol
40// i need soy sauce in almost everything i eat
41// im almost 15:)
42// my fave book series is the giver quartet
43// my fave kpop girl group is probably red velvet!!
44// i love edm so much wth
45// i get headaches rlly easily
46// i love big scary rides!!
47// i dont have any pets:(
48// i want to live in a downtown loft when im older
49// i want to learn the ukulele
50// my last name is the combination of two very common italian last names
i hope these didnt bore you, and that u guys have great days!
xx, seiji