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interview with abbie !!

guess what? well, im sure by the title you can guess what im 'bout to say. abbie form abbieemusicblog allowed me to interview anD LIKE WOW IM SO IN LOVE WITH HER AND HER BLOG ITS SUCH AN HONOR TO INTERVIEW THE QUEEN OF WAFFLES (am i right or am i right) so anyways, here are the questions and answers, check out her delicious blog and enjoi!

First off, what inspired you to start blogging?

I was inspired to start blogging when my sister got a blog. Because every little sister knows that what her big sister does iS MUCH COOLER THAN PROBABLY ANYTHING and so obviously I wanted to be a part of this blogging thing. I was about thirteen years old when I started my blog and it has certainly improved since then! (THANK GOODNESS.)

Did you start singing before writing, or vise versa?

I think I started singing when I started talking. It wasn't until I was about six years old that I started writing stories (VERY BAD STORIES) for no other glorious reason than: MY SISTER WAS WRITING AND IT THOUGHT IT WAS COOL. I have very impressive origins, I know. Most compelling and inspiring. I didn't start seriously writing music until I was about thirteen. And I didn't start recording music until two years ago. It's been a long time of exploring and creating and having fun, basically.

Who/What inspires you most?

Jesus, my family, and my blogger friends. TBH WHO NEEDS MORE THAN THAT?? I am beyond blessed to have people in my life who support my art and don't push me into getting a "real job." My parents homeschooled me (thanks Mom and Dad!) and I'm currently pursuing a career instead of going to college. I am inspired by books, film, music, stars, tea, and smiles. I am inspired by the truth, wherever or however I may find it.

Which blog posts do you find easiest to write?

Any blog post I am super passionate about. Not that I don't enjoy writing all of them -- but when an idea or a discussion strikes me and I get super fired up about it? I COULD RANT ON AND ON AND ON. As my readers quietly cringe and skim. But don't worry, I AM VERY KIND TO MY DEAR READERS. I give them GIFs and waffles. (What more could they ask for??) Also I do monthly wrap-up posts which I call "Waffle Parties" and OBVIOUSLY THEY ARE FABULOUS and lots of fun to write.

Can you tell us about your NaNoWriMo novel?

My NaNoWriMo novel is called The Head Games and it is a companion novel to another book I finished back in the summer of 2016. One of the supporting main characters seemed so interesting to me, and I knew I could write a whole story about her alone. SO I DID. The book takes place on an apricot orchard in California so there is laughter and sunlight and fruit and paintings and stargazing and farmhouses and late nights of fighting the darkness of the human mind.

What inspired you to write it?

I wanted to write something light and heavy, if that makes sense. Something that has all the ingredients for a cheerful and lighthearted novel, but also tackle the heavy mess of life at the same time. Because reality isn't all sunshine and rainbows. And most of the pain we experience first happens in our minds. I wanted to write something that shows the dark side of things, but also the bright side. Something that shows the hope. Something that shows how we can fight the darkness with our light.

Any tips for NaNoWriMo newbies/aspiring writers?

PREP PREP PREP. I'm an insane plotter but even I felt unprepared going into NaNo. I thought I had my whole book figured out -- but what I really had was a detailed outline, not a scene-by-scene instruction guide. I'M DEFINITELY GOING FOR THE LATTER IF I DO NANO AGAIN. *everyone gasps* "if??" you say. YES IF. I wasn't a big fan of the STRESS STRESS STRESS that NaNo involved, but I did appreciate the deadline because it made me put down words until my book was finished. (And not many things can make me do that.) So who knows what will happen in 2017!

If you could choose to be any one of your characters, which one would you pick?

This is a hard question! My life is fabulous and I torture my poor characters quite a bit so I'm not sure how I would feel about trading places with them...but I would probably pick the main guy character in my first novel. He lives by the ocean and writes poetry and his parents deserve awards for how awesome they are. SO BASICALLY HE'S GOT IT MADE. I would totally step into his shoes any day.

You're a Christian? What is your testimony?

To be honest, I don't really have a testimony. My parents have been Christians since before I was born, so that's what I grew up around. I am eternally grateful to them both for teaching me about the true God and what he's like. I feel honored to know Jesus and how much He loves the world.

Any favorite bands/music artists?

SO MANY OMG. But some top favorites would have to be Switchfoot, Twenty One Pilots, and NEEDTOBREATHE. They are all so uniquely awesome and I probably can't explain music because asdfghjkl FLAILING IS MUCH MORE COHERENT.

Favorite color?

Aqua blue teal. Basically I want a house in Florida painted this exactly color. (I know I am freakishly specific muaHAHAH.)

Dogs or cats?

When I was a little kid I liked cats and I was terrified of dogs. Now that I'm older I like dogs and I'm terrified of cats. THEY ARE JUST SO UNPREDICTABLE, YOU KNOW?? I have two small white dogs named Rocket and Pearl and they are quite a handful but I love them just the same.

Aside from singing, blogging, and writing, what pastimes do you enjoy?

I really enjoy figure skating! I'm not very good, but I can do some small jumps and spins and such. I live right near a lake and it freezes in the wintertime, so ever since I was kid I've had skates on my feet. It's super fun and stress-relieving.

Favorite noveling snacks?

Tea and chocolate and cereal. This is my go-to fuel for long writing days. BECAUSE #EASY and I'm definitely a lazy cook. No cooking is best kind. (Unless I can rope my sister into making me food. MUAHAHA.)


Would you rather eat one waffle a day for life, or eat as many as possible once a month for life?

OMG THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION WHYYY. After thinking long and hard, I would have to say: one waffle a day for life. BECAUSE WAFFLES EVERYDAY. What magic!! As it is, I'm the only person in my family who makes waffles (because I am the Waffle Queen after all) SO I GET ZERO BREAKS. But if a waffle magically appeared in front of me every morning, I definitely would not complain.


i really enjoyed interviewing her, and i hope everyone enjoyed this:) ALSO if you want to get interviewed or have a collab or WHATEVER (honestly wtvr) then just contact me:))

- seiji

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