my heart feels musty,
my hands are as heavy as lead.
my lungs are trembling under trepidation,
being washed over with fear with every shaky breath.
i can sense the demons creeping, slinking in a serpent fashion,
towards me, towards my soul, towards my thoughts.
how they torment, how they haunt me!
i feel them hungering for my fear, desire dripping off
everything they say.
the demons have such ugly names,
self-doubt, insecure, timorous.
insecure harrows me most.
the things it whispers
make me feel like the dust of the earth,
not worth trampling on.
reeling at me daily, pushing me down.
i try to get up, but how can i?
im only human.
when i sink under their menacing laughter, i remember
something wonderful.
my silver lining, my golden thread of sunshine.
God has me. I have God.
demons tremble at His very Name.
this promise, this incomprehensible covenant,
comforts me.
with Him i can stand.