more journal peeks :)
more random sketches!! p.s thats my tripod just chillin' in that corner there and its bugging me but eh. there isnt much to say so......

more journal peeks
here are some recent doodles that ive drawn, hope you enjoy. i love drawing so much i could do it all day...especially bc i just got over...

some snaps
xx, seiji #diy #photography #me #make #bujo #snaps #minimal

i friggin' cut my hair//snaps
GUYYYYYZZZZZZ i cut my hair again!! ALSOOOOOOOO im getting it dyed next weekend. SURPRISE! cant wait to reveal my chosen color...

life lately
it was so cool when my friend hannah came over and she climbed the roof with me!! it was really fun, and kinda surprising because my...

i started a bujo!!
im super pumped about starting a bullet journal! i will keep everyone posted (how bout a bujo tour sometime soon?) - seiji #make #diy...

the cutest sewing book ever
this post is mainly photos of my new aesthetically perfect sewing book, given to me by a certain hannah banana. hope yall enjoied this...

IVE BEEN GONE 5EVER WOW OK WHY YOU ASK??? i dont even have a legit reason lol, just got wrapped up in the holidays:) anyways. the past...

electricity tape diy!!
hey beauties, today i woke up really bored, and with tons of electricity tape and magazine scraps surrounding my bed, so i decided to...

My Fave Diys!
hiya jellybeans! i have recently re-decorated my room (i aint finished , no sir) and its been a CHORE to find cheap, tumblr diys. so...